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News Articles

NEW From the money business to the music business.

By Christina Savvas Birmingham Post Nov 3rd, 2010

Artist Eric Waugh has a jewel of a job.

By Jennifer Saxon, 2010

Extreme Makeover Home Edition

Extreme Makover

Good Vibrations | The feel good art of Eric Waugh

Money & Wealth Magazine Montreal

By Cynthia Borden November, 07 PDF

Giving back and not giving up

"Artist Eric Waugh energizes Dennehy Foundation fundraiser with live painting performance to music of Fabulous George and the Zodiacs"

By Nicole Fitzgerald Pique Magazine Sept, 21. 06

Dennehys, Waugh make charitable connection

Waugh to paint at 'Drive Fore Life'

Foundation's co-founder honoured as famed artist, philanthropist lends his talents to upcoming fundraiser

By David Burke Whistler Question Sept 14, 06

RPO floats Canal Days concert

Orchestra plays aboard barge in Fairport

By Stuart Low Staff writer Rochester Democrat and Chronicle June 5, 2006

RPO will play a floating pops concert

"Eric Waugh to capture Orchestra on canvas"

By John Pitcher Staff writer Rochester Democrat and Chronicle April 5, 2006

From 'Guinness' to the Gallery
By Collenn M. Farrell BRIGHTON-PITTSFORD POST ROCHESTER October 19, 2005

"Montreal artist combines love of music and painting"
By Pam Fleming NOVI NEWS, June 16,2005

Eric Waugh paints to music at the 18th Boca fest art show
By Skip Sheffield BOCA RATON/DELRAY BEACH (FL) NEWS January 13,2005

"Painter for a cause" He takes it to art"
MIAMI HERALD , December 19, 2004

Stroke of ingenuity is toast of the town
By LZ Granderson ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION October 16, 2003

Art in Action
By Tali Tolland JEZEBEL MAGAZINE September 2003

Eric Waugh- Art in Perfect Harmony
By Lynn Lamousin THE PIEDMONT REVIEW VOL.10 #7 July 2003

"Montreal artist paints happy smiles" Tony Bennett provides the inspiration
By Hollie Watson THE MONTREAL CHRONICLE , June 25, 2003

This man might be the world's best-selling artist, You've probably never heard of him.

By MICHAEL POSNER "The Globe and Mail" Thursday, January 3, 2002

Artist's massive painting sets size record
By MARTHA WAGGONER Associated Press MORRISVILLE, N.C. Sunday Dec 1st. 2001

Painter tackles a Giant "Hero" By Geoff Edgers.
Washington Times October 20th, 2001

The Big Picture: With a record-shattering painting,artist Eric Waugh hopes to raise millions for kids with AIDS and other ills.
People Magazine Jan 21, 2001

Art with a difference
By Hollie Watson The Chronicle June 9,1999

Montreal artist raises funds for AIDS camp
By Peter Johnson The Suburban June 2,1999

The Big Picture: Eric Waugh is painting his field of dreams.
By Bernard Mendelman The Suburban Wednesday, September 10, 1997

Montreal artist hopes to raise $4 million for AIDS kids
By John Austen The West Island Suburban Wednesday, June 25, 1997

Montreal artist making the world a better place
By Nadine Ishak City News Sunday, August 24, 1997

Art for AIDS relief
By Hollie Watson The Chronicle

Montreal artist gives of himself at Camp Heartland

By Richard Goss The West Island Suburban Wednesday, September 20, 1995

Copyright 2025 The art of Eric Waugh. WAUGHTOPIA INC.

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